About Us

PT Enertech Engineering has worked experience and many hours serving customer work requests, supported by skilled employees and experienced engineers, and strong finances to support all work funds.

Contact Info

  • Jl. Penggilingan No.154 Blok A Cakung Jakarta Timur
  • enertech@enertech-eng.com
  • +62.813-1830-3806
Pump Supplier

We sell to all various types of pumps, valves, pumping stage and more as well as one of authorized distributor in Indonesia. We partner with leading pump manufactures such as Deep Blue, Smoothflo and Dynapro pumps.
API 610 standard

For pumping clean, containing particles, neutral, corrosive with low or high temperature medium. Suitable for petrochemical, coal mining, power station, heating and air conditioning plants, desalination plants.


For pumping clean or liquid with particles, slurry, fiber, high viscosity, low and high temperature, neutral or corrosive medium and high suction pressure conditions. Suitable for petrochemical, refinery, low temperature device, chemical fiber, marine industry, desalination plants.


For pumping clean, low and high temperature and neutral or corrosive medium. Suitable for petrochemical, refinery, low temperature device, chemical fiber, marine industry, desalination plants.


For pumping clean or corrosive medium with less than 500 cP viscosity and less than 0.1mm solid particle size. Suitable for petrochemical, chemical, energy, metallurgy, paper, pharmaceutical, food,etc.

Non-API Pumps

Chemical, petrochemical, refinery, coal chemical, power station, etc. for pumping clean, containing particles, neutral, corrosive with normal or medium temperature medium.


For pumping clean water or medium with characteristics similar to water. Suitable for industrial plants, mines, city water supply, air conditioning coolers, firefighting systems and irrigation.


For pumping clean water or medium with characteristics similar to water.
Suitable for industrial plants, mines, city water supply, air conditioning coolers, firefighting systems and irrigation.


For pumping clean water or medium with characteristics similar to water.
Suitable for industrial plants, mines, city water supply, air conditioning coolers, firefighting systems, cooling, environmental machinery and irrigation.


For pumping clean or containing trace particles, neutral or corrosive, flammable, explosive toxic medium. Suitable for chemical, petro-chemical, refinery, coal chemical industry, power station, paper industry, steelmaking, waste acid treatment, water supply and drainage.

Fire Alarm System & Hydrant Piping

Fire Pump

Fire Fighting Pump Package Samples Under UL/FM Tests Processes 4FP Series NFPA-20 Standard 5

End-Suction Fire Fighting Pump Packages Motor Driven with Diesel Driven Hydraulic Coverage

Customers :

  • Metroplitan Tower
  • Seaworld Ancol
  • Gedung Telkom Gatot Subroto
  • Gudang Tempo Scan – Kawasan Cikarang
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    We handling kind of customers neededfrom base concept design to be real goods and guaranteed with quality and satisfactory

    Since 2009